Thursday, July 14, 2011

What is Spiritual Healing Forgiveness Work?

All of us have found there are patterns of behavior in our lives which do not serve us well, support our higher purpose or create situations which are harmful or disruptive to our well being. These behaviors and patterns have an inception that not always stems from our current lifewalk. When we become aware of these patterns and behaviors, we generally struggle to figure-out what to do about them, how to rid ourselves of them and the blockages which they create to our forward momentum.

Spiritual Healing Forgiveness Work uncovers these behaviors, patterns and blockages which arise from decisions we’ve made about how to act in any given situation. For example, during childhood, let’s say, the relationship with either our mother or father was intolerable. In order to heal the situation, we become involved with people who actually mirror those relationships, allowing us to resolve all the negative interactions and remembrances. Mostly, we go from one relationship to the next, constantly seeking a remedy, which, unfortunately, most often eludes us. This happens to so many of us, if we don’t seek professional help.

Spiritual Healing Forgiveness Work addresses the behavior, pattern or blockage from the Spirit/Soul level, the higher self, thereby healing the current relational damage where it most likely began: in a past incarnation. The recollections from past lives are brought forward to be addressed in each new incarnation, leaving us with old lessons to reply and resolve before we are able to address the new lessons for our current lifewalk.

How does it work?

The forgiveness work process is very simple. It involves spending ½ hour a day writing a very brief statement, continuing the process for seven days and then holding a releasing ceremony on the eighth day for each person whom we need to forgive or break the patterns of behavior with.

How does one know what to write, who to write it on and how many such writings are necessary to put one’s life back on track? Fortunately, the answer is a surprisingly simple one: allow me to do an intense reading for you following some conversation. Then, all you need do is follow the directions, be diligent about your work and be willing to release all the stored up remembrances. Healing and new perceptions are then available to you, so you no longer have to be stuck in old patterns, behaviors or actions.

Are you ready to set your life back on track? Are you ready to stop involving yourself in replicas of past relationships and finally enter into one which is for your highest good? Are you finally ready to do the work you came here to do, which will provide you with abundance and fulfillment? Are you ready to take charge of your life in concert with your Spirit/Soul self, rather than continuously battling yourself?

If the answer to these questions is a resounding “Yes!”, then prepare to take the biggest step forward in your entire life. All it takes is your willingness to heal, strength to ask for help and courage to become who you were meant to be, Spiritually.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Musings, Emotional and Spiritual of a Mentor/Teacher

One of the greatest gifts which can be bestowed upon a person is to be asked to be another's Spiritual Teacher/Mentor.

One of the most difficult things I have ever had to do is accept the request to be a Spiritual Teacher, sometimes also called a Mentor, Guide or other such words which describe this particular work I endeavor to do.

The difficulty is not in the being a teacher rather with the connections to the student(s) since these connections must by their very nature be both Spiritual as well as emotional due to the nature of the work being done by the student. There is a very fine line of demarcation which delineates the helper from the hinderer. How is this possible you might ask, well let me see if I can express what occurs and how the line can be breached.

As a teacher in general, on the physical plane, there is a set of guidelines which specify the extent to which each of the participants in the teaching/learning experience must adhere. On the Spiritual level of the teacher/student interaction there are no such set of guidelines, only what the teacher especially knows (or rather becomes aware of during the course of interaction with the student). Since this line of demarcation is greatly obscured by the veil which exists between the physical and spiritual planes, that “line” is at times greatly blurred. It is therefore the job of the teacher to “know” precisely where that line is and where the student, as well as they them self, is at all times in relation to that “line”.

In order to keep the line of demarcation always in front of the teacher as well as the student, the teacher must never take his/her eyes off that point while at the same time knowing that the “line” is constantly moving in relations to the learning which the student is doing and the speed at which the student is progressing. Add to this that while on a journey of Spiritual growth, the student is generally in a very delicate and possibly precarious position with regard to their own emotionality. Spiritual growth is not, and I repeat NOT an intellectual process nor should it be undertaken the way learning say math is undertaken. The process of opening to one’s Spiritual self is a very emotionally taxing process which must be guided with care and reverence for the individual, knowing full well that the student is a Spiritual being having a human experience. However, for the student just embarking on this type of a journey, he or she might at the beginning of the journey still be of the belief that they them self are a human being having a Spiritual experience.

One other difficulty with the entire process I’m attempting to describe is that the teacher also must, by virtue of the fact that he/she is also a Spiritual being having a human experience, therefore realize that emotionality is a huge part of the teaching experience as is the learning experience for the student.

Let’s go one step further and say that the teacher remembers, Spiritually, that there was a previously existing relationship which, if not completely at least partially initiated the trauma which has left the student Spiritually hampered for all of their lifewalks from that time until this. Here the situation is exacerbated because the teacher becomes entangled in the emotionality of the student’s journey along with the student, even if the teacher does his/her best to remain detached emotionally from the prior events as well as the current Spiritual growth of the student.

This potentially leaves both parties to the Spiritual journey in a very vicarious position since it is the teacher’s responsibility to be an impartial guide for the student while knowing about his/her participation in the initiating event. When the student begins to remember, there is the great possibility for the student to lash out at the teacher as though the situation is currently occurring, which in a truly Spiritual sense it is. The difficulty here lies in the manner in which the teacher needs to interact with the student, which would be from a purely detached position. Not always possible for there is the actuality that the precipitation event was/is based in the originating relationship between both teacher and student in their former rolls.

How must one proceed, you might be wondering. That is where the difficulty arises. Should the teacher divulge all that is known about the initiating situation? Should the teacher expound upon how the events of the initiating situation came about? Should the teacher just keep his/her tongue and wait to see what the student comes to on their own? And, what happens if the student does come to some amount of understanding concerning the initiating situation, then what is the teacher’s responsibility? I’ll endeavor to expound upon this collection of queries in a bit.

As I ponder all these questions, I am left assessing my own behavior with regard to a number of students over the past years. For each of these students the situation (current interaction and awareness on the part of the student) determines how the teacher is to proceed. Now that leaves much to the subjective discernment of the teacher with regard to the appropriate amount of information to be passes to the student.

If the teacher is able to stand objectively and in full detachment form the initiating event then there is no real difficulty to be encountered with regards to how much and what type of information to pass to the student. However, living a human experience there is rarely an occasion when any individual, regardless of their level of “enlightenment” or “Spiritual advancement” or “awakening”, where it is possible to be completely objective and detached from another being living a human experience; especially in light of the knowledge of prior relationships.

So the way to proceed is most assuredly with the guidance of Spirit. Now you might say, “But hasn’t all the interaction between the teacher and student been with the guidance of Spirit?”, and the answer to that is, “HOPEFULLY SO”.

From my own experience it is the student actually who determines the total extent of how quickly to proceed, how much information is to be disseminated and when, even how “pushy” the teacher is to be in driving or dragging the student to their ultimate goal. Caution with one’s words and actions are demanded here and the need to be in constant interaction with Spirit is mandatory.

As to the questions previously asked, there are no set rules which can be stated with absolute certainty. It would generally be that, as the student evolves, steps into their own full Spirituality the extent of information which can be absorbed or taken in greatly expands as is also true for the extent to which the teacher can impart both necessary as well as extraneous information which will ultimately be brought together by the student into one coherent and cohesive whole for their personal growth.

With this said, it must still be understood that pushing too hard, or divulging too much at the wrong time (that being before the student can intake the information without shutting down) can be very injurious to the student’s journey as well as their physical and emotional well being.

There is a caution in all this for both the student as well as the teacher, that being, “Be careful what you ask for, for Spirit will provide you with exactly a few degrees more than requested, just so you can test your own mettle”.

For those who think it would be wonderful and enjoyable to be a Spiritual teacher rather than only a student, I’m here to tell you that it is one of the greatest and most enjoyable pleasures anyone can have while in a physical lifewalk. The gifts derived from being the teacher are far greater than for being the student. Only as the teacher is it possible to watch, both on the physical as well as the Spiritual plane, the student awaken to their true authentic self. Additionally, only as a teacher is it possible to have a student surpass your awareness and become your teacher and be grateful for the experience,.

Truly I am blessed in that I have been a teacher both in the physical world as well as for the purposes of guiding students on their journey into Spiritually evolving and awakening.

Thank you to all my former and current students for the gifts you have provided me as well as the lessons you have all taught me.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Other Guided Meditations Are Available?

There are other guided meditations which are available in addition to those previously listed on this Blogsite. Here are three more which, hopefully, will interest you:

Fifth Dimension Manifestation: Journey to the Fifth Dimension and create for yourself a very special place in which to meet and greet Spirit Beings, hold conversations, ask for that which you need and have it appear, immediately. Then, you will be able to return to the Earth Plane and call to you, physically, what you created on your journey.

Old House Meditation: Learn about all of the "hidden" aspects of yourself. Each aspect of, "The Old House" is, literally, a part of yourself and, by understanding the positive or negative aspects of, "The Old House", it will aid and assist you in understanding the totality of the person who you are. Additionally, "Old House Meditation" provides you with the tools for "unclogging" yourself where you are stuck, or enhancing yourself where you are lacking the dynamics of a particular aspect of your character, behavior, spiritual essence, as well as your mental and emotional "self".

Water Journey Meditation: Meet with a Spirit Guide or Teacher. After journeying down the river and choosing a location to dock your boat, you will sit with guides or teachers, ask questions, be provided information (sometimes, actual answers) and be directed to take positive actions which will bring that information into being, as a discernable and dynamic event in your life.

To discover more about Rev. Howard's services regarding this topic,
please visit:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Is A Crystal Healing Cave Meditation?

Crystal Healing Cave: This guided meditation will provide you with access to a very special place, The Crystal Healing Cave. Each one of us has a cave which fits us exactly in terms of size, intensity, and frequency. Once you have been guided to this cave, you are always at liberty to re-enter the cave as often as you wish. Follow the path in your own meditation and you will end up at the entrance to your cave. It is a wonderful place to lie down and re-energize yourself after any stressful event or especially after doing energy healing work on your own clients.

To discover more about Rev. Howard's services regarding this topic,
please visit:

What Is A Plant Medicine Journey?

Plant Medicine: There are some people who are specifically called to learn about plant medicine. If you should happen to be this person then this journey is for you.

Following the same procedure as is conducted for the Animal Spirit Journey, you will be taken to the home of the plant people where you will encounter all of the plant spirits and they will become familiar with you. It would be unusual for any one plant spirit to want to attach itself to you, rather these Spirit will become your teachers and guides for the purpose of showing you which plant to utilize as medicine for any specific person you are dealing with.

If you are truly a plant medicine person, and the plants know what your capabilities are as well as your agreements, then the Plant Spirit beings will begin to teach you about themselves, their uses, methods of application or use and continue to provide you with information whenever it would be beneficial for you to have such information.

To discover more about Rev. Howard's services regarding this topic,
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What Is An Animal Spirit Journey?

Animal Spirit: Also referred to as Spirit Animal and Animal Guides. This journey takes you to the world of the Animal Spirits where you will walk carefully through their “home”, noticing all the animal spirits, looking for the one which will come to you three times in your walk. Once that occurs you will be directed out of their world and back to this third dimension plane.

Upon returning to the physical world, I will drum the Animal Spirit into you, so that you will be attached to that particular Spirit as it will be attached to you. Your Animal Spirit will be a guide for you as well as a teacher.

For a detailed definition of Animal Spirit, see Wikipedia: Power Animal.

To discover more about Rev. Howard's services regarding this topic,
please visit:

What Are Spirit Guides?

Spirit Guide: Each of us have at least one Spirit Guide as well as numerous Teachers from the other side. Sometime you will know who your guide is, either by name or at least by description, but often you will not. I direct a specific meditation which will take you to a location wherein you can meet your Spirit Guide in a face-to-face setting and hold a conversation.

During your time with your Spirit Guide you may ask an array of questions, including the guide’s name, how to maintain a “communication” outside the state of a meditation, direction(s) your life might need to take for fulfilling your higher purpose, etc.

You might be curious as to the difference between Spirit Guides, Angels and Guardian Angels. Well, all guardian angels are angels, though not all angels are guardian angels. Further, all angels and guardian angels can be guides as well as teachers. As I see the outer realms, all beings are Spirit. Angels are special in that they, like the Arc-Angels have not been in physical form, whereas Spirit Guides and most Guardian Angels have been.

For a detailed definition of Spirit Guides, see Wikipedia: Spirit Guide.

To discover more about Rev. Howard's services regarding this topic,
please visit: