Thursday, July 14, 2011

What is Spiritual Healing Forgiveness Work?

All of us have found there are patterns of behavior in our lives which do not serve us well, support our higher purpose or create situations which are harmful or disruptive to our well being. These behaviors and patterns have an inception that not always stems from our current lifewalk. When we become aware of these patterns and behaviors, we generally struggle to figure-out what to do about them, how to rid ourselves of them and the blockages which they create to our forward momentum.

Spiritual Healing Forgiveness Work uncovers these behaviors, patterns and blockages which arise from decisions we’ve made about how to act in any given situation. For example, during childhood, let’s say, the relationship with either our mother or father was intolerable. In order to heal the situation, we become involved with people who actually mirror those relationships, allowing us to resolve all the negative interactions and remembrances. Mostly, we go from one relationship to the next, constantly seeking a remedy, which, unfortunately, most often eludes us. This happens to so many of us, if we don’t seek professional help.

Spiritual Healing Forgiveness Work addresses the behavior, pattern or blockage from the Spirit/Soul level, the higher self, thereby healing the current relational damage where it most likely began: in a past incarnation. The recollections from past lives are brought forward to be addressed in each new incarnation, leaving us with old lessons to reply and resolve before we are able to address the new lessons for our current lifewalk.

How does it work?

The forgiveness work process is very simple. It involves spending ½ hour a day writing a very brief statement, continuing the process for seven days and then holding a releasing ceremony on the eighth day for each person whom we need to forgive or break the patterns of behavior with.

How does one know what to write, who to write it on and how many such writings are necessary to put one’s life back on track? Fortunately, the answer is a surprisingly simple one: allow me to do an intense reading for you following some conversation. Then, all you need do is follow the directions, be diligent about your work and be willing to release all the stored up remembrances. Healing and new perceptions are then available to you, so you no longer have to be stuck in old patterns, behaviors or actions.

Are you ready to set your life back on track? Are you ready to stop involving yourself in replicas of past relationships and finally enter into one which is for your highest good? Are you finally ready to do the work you came here to do, which will provide you with abundance and fulfillment? Are you ready to take charge of your life in concert with your Spirit/Soul self, rather than continuously battling yourself?

If the answer to these questions is a resounding “Yes!”, then prepare to take the biggest step forward in your entire life. All it takes is your willingness to heal, strength to ask for help and courage to become who you were meant to be, Spiritually.


  1. Forgiveness helps a person get rid of past hurts and erase emotional and spiritual wounds. Those who learn to forgive are set for better days to come.

    phone psychic readings

  2. A great article on forgiveness. If you forgive yourself first, then one can forgive others.

    Others often find forgiveness after a psychic reading.
