Fifth Dimension Manifestation: Journey to the Fifth Dimension and create for yourself a very special place in which to meet and greet Spirit Beings, hold conversations, ask for that which you need and have it appear, immediately. Then, you will be able to return to the Earth Plane and call to you, physically, what you created on your journey.
Old House Meditation: Learn about all of the "hidden" aspects of yourself. Each aspect of, "The Old House" is, literally, a part of yourself and, by understanding the positive or negative aspects of, "The Old House", it will aid and assist you in understanding the totality of the person who you are. Additionally, "Old House Meditation" provides you with the tools for "unclogging" yourself where you are stuck, or enhancing yourself where you are lacking the dynamics of a particular aspect of your character, behavior, spiritual essence, as well as your mental and emotional "self".
Water Journey Meditation: Meet with a Spirit Guide or Teacher. After journeying down the river and choosing a location to dock your boat, you will sit with guides or teachers, ask questions, be provided information (sometimes, actual answers) and be directed to take positive actions which will bring that information into being, as a discernable and dynamic event in your life.
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